And off we go.... – Needs & Craves

And off we go....

Posted by Barbara Moran on


                                      And off we go...

           Mark had come home with antibiotics and orders for a CT Scan..  After a day of meds Mark started to feel better although he was still having some pain.  The Urgent care center we went to called us the next day they were concerned about the test results.  The Urgent Care center called advising Mark to see is PCP for follow up.  I was worried about my guy. I have to be honest I was already dealing with anxiety this was going to push over the edge.  I have been using the CTFO Oil for several weeks and I have to tell you I could really feel a difference.  I have a job that is pretty stressful I talk to people everyday and some have just heard news that they can't un-hear and I try to help as much as I can. Mark has his health issues and people ask me how do you do it.  Simple, I Love Him. 


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